Wednesday, 14 October 2020

Managing a growing household in a buyer’s market

You’ve probably heard it said that in house-sale terms, it’s a buyer’s market right now. Great news for first time buyers. But not so great if you’re an existing homeowner looking to upsize, as the sale of your homes is likely to give you less than you want, less than you expected and less than you might get if you hold off on the sale. But if you have a growing family, time may not be on your side. There is, however, a cost-effective alternative – home extensions.

If you’re happy in your home, the location is convenient for work, school and everything else you do with your life, and the only reason you’re planning to move is for more space, you might be surprised to find just how affordable an extension is – particularly when compared to the costs of moving home.

At JMR Construction we specialise in houseextensions Leeds to help you make the most of the space you have and increase your living space to meet changing needs. To talk to us about how a house extension could be the best answer to your growing family, get in touch today.